Friday, May 3, 2024


???Lunch & Learn??? Lecture to Focus on Architect, Russell Warren

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Bring your own bag lunch to the mansion for Linden Place???s ???Lunch and Learn??? lecture on Saturday, May 19th. While you enjoy your lunch, learn something new from guest speaker, David Harrington, who will present a program focused on local history and architecture.

Russell Warren in Bristol: Local historian and artist, David Harrington, will put Linden Place Mansion, designed by architect, Russell Warren, into historical context with the DeWolf family and Warren???s other work.

Warren???s vision during the 19th century helped shape Bristol, Providence, and other cities in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and beyond.

His many contributions include such iconic buildings as the Arcade Providence (in collaboration with James C. Bucklin), Manning Hall at Brown University, the Levi Gale House in Newport, and the Nathan Durfee House in Fall River.

David Harrington studied architecture at Rhode Island School of Design and historic preservation as a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania.

He has become a passionate advocate of Russell Warren and recently worked alongside the RI Historical Society, the Providence Athenaeum, and Linden Place to put together a database of the famed architect???s work from libraries and repositories here in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, as well as New York and South Carolina.

Lectures take place at 12:00 pm inside Linden Place Mansion. There is a $10 admission fee for each lecture, $5 for each lecture for Linden Place members.

Reservations should be made in advance as space is limited.??

For more information or to register, please email Linden Place at or call (401) 253-0390.