Saturday, May 18, 2024


A Winter Weather Advisory for your Yard

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When the snow falls, your yard becomes a whole new landscape to enjoy.  But there are some important things to keep in mind.  Use these tips from the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute and TurfMutt to keep family and pets safe all season long.

Bring Pets Inside: As a general rule, dogs and cats should be kept inside.  After walks, wipe their paws and bellies, and check for ice between paw pads. Also, if you are using a deicing agent like salt, remove that as well.

Trim Trees Carefully:  When using a chainsaw, hold it with both hands, stand with your weight on both feet, and angle yourself away from the blade.

Protect Your Power: Ready your equipment before the weather hits. Make sure all batteries are charged and you have the right fuel – use E10 or less in all your outdoor power equipment.

Clear the Way: Before snow falls, remove debris and household items from your yard.  When it does snow, use your snowthrower to clear driveways, sidewalks, and a bathroom area for pets.  Keep kids and pets a safe distance away when using a snowthrower or any other outdoor power equipment.  To clear a blockage, first turn off the machine and always use a clean-out tool.

Ventilate Portable Generators: If a storm knocks out your power, a generator can be a lifesaver. Be sure to use it properly by placing it outside and away from windows, doors, and vents that could allow carbon monoxide to come inside