Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Notes from RI Education

Commissioner Infante-Green

All across Rhode Island this week, our teachers, school leaders, families, and especially students have risen to the challenge of making education happen during unprecedented times. I want to personally thank all of you for going to great lengths to make sure learning goes on in the Ocean State.

While we have much more ahead of us, I am confident that we will continue to rise to the challenge. I especially encourage you to take time to reflect, spend time with loved ones (reaching out virtually is a great idea), and take care of yourself. We all need to put ourselves on our own care list. 

I’d like to share this resource on how to teach through COVID-19, and I encourage you to use it as you plan for the next week of distance learning.

We are all learning from each other. I am humbled by what I have learned this week from all of you.

Thank you!


From Other State Agencies

Virtual Classroom Visits, Field Trips, and Resources from Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea

We hope you’re all managing to navigate these uncertain times and that your first few days of distance learning have yielded some happy surprises amid the challenges. 

We write to remind you about some of the Department of State’s online resources and to offer assistance in the form of virtual field trips or classroom visits. Since the State House is now closed to the public, we have created a collection of photos – including some nifty 360 degree views – of the State House for teachers and students. They can be viewed independently, or could become part of a virtual tour where our staff join your classroom remotely to offer information, field questions, etc. If this might be of interest to you, please contact Lane Sparkman The Educator Resources section of our website has lots of great materials that could also provide a good jumping off point for a virtual classroom visit, or remote work.

We would really love to find ways to support you and your colleagues in this distance learning experiment, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any thoughts, suggestions, or requests. Our sincere thanks to you all for the work that you’re doing! Please email Lane Sparkman, Associate Director of Education and Public Programs for the RI Department of State with any questions, at