Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Young, Female, and Farming

F WEAVER laurabrown-lavoie


Laura Brown-Lavoie, farmer, poet, and co-founder of Sidewalk Ends Farm in Seekonk, MA, will speak at the Weaver Library on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 7pm. Laura will give a slide presentation on how she became a farmer, what the farm is like now, and talk about the camp she and her partners established to inspire young girls to farm.??

Laura came to farming by way of studying literary arts at Brown University.?? During a school break, she volunteered on an organic farm in France.?? What she didn???t expect to learn along with practicing her French was how much she loved farming.?? Like many young, urban farmers in New England, Laura began farming a city plot, growing chemical-free vegetables, herbs, and flowers to sell at farmers??? markets, local restaurants and through a CSA (Community-supported agriculture.)

Since establishing Sidewalk Ends Farm in 2011, Laura and her partners, sister Tess Brown-Lavoie and Sarah Turkus have expanded the farm to Seekonk, MA.?? With a belief in knowledge-sharing, the women are active in local, regional, and national environmental, farming, and educational organizations.????

Laura still writes poetry and may perform a poem or two for us!

This program is free and open to all and will appeal to anyone who cares about farms, RI farmland, farmers??? markets, and fresh food.

Weaver Library is located at 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914.?? Questions? Call 401-434-2453.??
