Sunday, May 19, 2024



Call To Congress

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I respectfully call on Congress to immediately reject a recent amendment that was included in the House appropriations bill for the departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education sponsored by Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.). While its sponsor described the amendment as an attempt to promote religious freedom, its real effect is to penalize states that seek to prevent discrimination against children and families.

Child welfare policy must be driven by the best interest of the child. There are more than 400,000 children in foster care in the United States and 118,000 of them are waiting for adoptive families. Across the country there is a shortage of foster and adoptive families for these children.?? Many wait in group homes and shelters. Some age out of foster care without permanent families.?? In Rhode Island, there are more than 2,000 children in temporary foster care and hundreds of children are adopted each year. I know many wonderful families who have stepped up to care for our children.?? They have different backgrounds and faiths. They are diverse???young, old, gay, straight, single, married. They are all loving families and we need more of them. The children they care for are just as diverse. I value each child and family.

Unfortunately, in D.C., congressional Republicans are pushing an amendment to a funding bill that would allow discrimination in foster care and adoption.?? It could also penalize states that uphold anti-discrimination policies and laws. This could result in a reduction of LGBT parents or parents of different faiths from being approved to foster or adopt a child. It could also mean a reduction of federal dollars to states like Rhode Island if we uphold our anti-discrimination laws.?? If enacted, this would be harmful to children and harmful to our state. We need to continue to strengthen our foster care system and support our children and families.

I oppose this amendment.?? I believe that children and families should not be denied services based on their religion or sexual orientation. I oppose this legislation because it gives a license to discriminate. I urge you to let our congressional delegation know that you oppose this as well.

-Rep. Marcia Ranglin-Vassell

(D-Dist. 5, Providence)