Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Greetings from Your RI IPL Board

Dear RI Interfaith Power and Light members and friends,


You’ve been much on our minds and in our hearts in these challenging times.


It’s clear that we are all navigating our way through much change, working to adapt, while also holding true to our core values.


That’s true for your RI Interfaith Power and Light Board as well.


After a hiatus, we have found a way into a new board, a new chairperson, and a focused model.


Simply, we are working on creating opportunities to support you  spiritually  as you mourn the changes to our shared earth, while also fighting to save it.


And we have elected a new chairperson, Rev. DL Helfer, to offer (shared) leadership in that effort.


We’ve attached his most recent sermon of relevance, thinking it might offer space for contemplation. It’s attached here as Hope.”


More will follow in the next weeks and months, but don’t hesitate to reach out (DL’s email is  uucscminister@gmail.com ) with questions or suggestions.


Warmly, Your RI IPL Board

Rev. DL Helfer

Sarah Atkins

Mark Kravatz

Christine Muller

Martina Muller