Enjoy what’s NEW at the Attleboro Public Library!
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Attleboro’s Kindness Community Read Snowy Stories: Attleboro Council on Aging READS! (Mon., Jan. 6, 6:30-7:30pm): Join Kelly Lee, Director of the Attleboro Council on Aging, for a read-aloud and activity!
Children will learn easy and fun ways to show kindness to older adults and why it is so important. This program is part of Attleboro’s Reading Passport program for kids in grades K-4, so bring your passport to be stamped.
Nature in Winter (Wed., Jan. 15, 6:30-8pm): Massachusetts is filled with seasonal mysteries. Which animal left tracks in the snow? What happens to pond animals under a layer of ice? Or what trees are lining the trails on your winter walks? Led by educators from the Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary, this program will provide ideas to observe, appreciate, and support wildlife. Kindness Club for Grades 5-12
(Wed., Jan. 22, 3:30-4:30pm): Inspired by the Olivia Knighton Foundation, this monthly program inspires youth to spread kindness in the city. The Library and its visitors will be the recipient of the kindness this month, as youth will create kindness-themed posters to hang on each floor!
Kindness Book Group / Parents Book Group
(Thurs., Jan. 23, 7-8pm): This will be a fun, joint meeting of the Parents Book Club and the Kindness Book Group to discuss the third book in this year’s Kindness Community Read: Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books by Kirsten Miller. As part of the conversation, make sure to tell us about the local Little Free Libraries you visit or maintain! Have you witnessed an act of kindness lately? Please share by writing it on a “link” of paper located near the elevator. APL staff will add it to a paper chain representing Attleboro’s jewelry history.
Winter Reading Challenge (ends January 31): How are you doing with this fun challenge to get to your 25 hours of reading? Burrowing under a cozy blanket with a book and cup of tea? Reading during your lunch break? Joining a book group? Whatever way you choose, make sure to pick up a Reading Challenge bookmark at any desk to track every hour of your reading.
Turn your completed bookmark in to the Circulation Desk by January 31 to be entered into a prize drawing!
Game Night for Grades 5-12: Skip-Bo (Thursday, Jan. 9, 6-7pm): Interested in learning a new game? Then join us for monthly Game Night to play the card game Skip-Bo! It’s super fun and involves some strategy, but it’s easy to learn. Laughs are guaranteed!
Reading with Rover (Saturday, Jan. 11, 9am): Read to a certified therapy dog, a patient listener who gives young people the encouragement to improve their reading skills in a relaxed environment. Readers up to 14 years old read for a 20-minute time period with their canine pal. Call Mrs. Brown for more information: (508) 222-7820.
Poetry Discussion (Saturday, Jan. 11, 2-3:30pm): Local poet Dave Vecchioli leads this lively group of poets and those curious about poetry. No prior experience writing or reading poetry is necessary! Book Groups – Visit attleborolibrary.org to learn about the book discussions happening at the Library, or visit the Circulation Desk to learn more about what titles are being discussed this month.
The Library works with many others to create opportunities for Attleboro residents to connect with one another. To learn more about events happening downtown and elsewhere, visit the City’s events calendar at www.cityofattleboro.us!

Visit us: 74 North Main Street, Attleboro 02703 Contact us: (508) 222-0157 / www.attleborolibrary.org